Securing your Android Phone can be accomplished in many different ways, and by catering to many different tastes, so no single way is correct, or best for everyone. I do recommend at least the following as a minimum spread on your device. There are three main areas for security on your device, those settings which left in default mode can be a serious security risk, those apps and programs which help secure your device like AntiVirus and AntiMalware, and AntiTheft apps which can lock-down and secure your information should your device be lost or stolen.
Tag: Biometric
Hardening your Android Device, Part-2
Part-2: Take Control of your Google Account
We’ve all heard the old axiom that building a good house requires a good foundation. I prefer the Engineer’s version of that saying: “To build a stable house requires a square, true, and level foundation. Well, ensuring your sole control over your account is the equivalent first step in our endeavor. Actually, you can have any kind of account as your primary account for your Android phone, but we’re presuming for the purposes of this article that you have a Google Account. If you have a Microsoft or Yahoo account, you’ll need to do some of your own research to find these kind of equivalent settings.
And while it might sound counter-intuitive to securing your device, we actually need to take control of your Google account before we can harden your device. This is to ensure that you are the only person with access to your Google Account. Even if you are certain that you never shared your account password with a good friend, or significant other, your account could still have been compromised. This is the perfect opportunity to confirm that your account is still entirely yours.
Hardening your Android Device, Part-1
There are many steps that should be taken in following the general strategy of hardening one’s mobile device. For the purposes of this article, I’ll be hardening a Samsung Galaxy S7. This process will be divided into three parts: Preparation Work will be Part-1, Take Control of your Google Account Part-2, and finally Part-3 will be the actual Hardening of the Android Phone.
Part-1: Prep Work
Let’s get some housekeeping chores done first, prior to attempting to harden your Android Device. We’ll begin by actually doing some updates on your PC if you have one. If you don’t have a PC that you use any of your current phone services from, then you’re find to move on to Part-2.