Yesterday, I didn’t even bother trying to adjust my new Fuze. I spent the remainder of the day (and so far today) just getting to know the new device and seeing how it operates. There are so many new things to play with on this device.
It is a totally wonderful device, and has pretty much everything that I could ever want. It certainly has absolutely everything I want now, but I phrased the previous sentence that way because there’s always the chance that I could discover that there is something else that I want but that this device does not provide. I’m sure there will be a few, but I doubt they will be all that important to me.
So, I’ve already read the manual twice over, and there is so much stuff on this device that the manual barely scratches the surface. I’m going to have to do some serious digging…
The Touch Flo 3D (TF3D) interface shown on the commercials really is that good, but is completely alien to me since I came from the standard “Today†screen interface, so this will likely prove a very illuminating experience for me…