A new version of GPS Tuner 6 is going through the beta test process (the public beta of which ends Monday), and the Regular Build released in a few days after that.
The new version of the program will be renamed GPS Tuner Atlas, so as to differentiate it from the previous version.
The new version will be a free update to existing users of GPS Tuner 6, so those users have good reason to rejoice, because this program is soooo much better than the previous version.
GPS Tuner Atlas should remedy most every bug that prevented users from making full use of the initial program, and also make it compatible with older devices that did not support the Direct 3DMobile API that the original program was written for.
Some of the New features and improvements per the company info:
Compatibility with an increased number of Windows Mobile devices
- Global coverage satellite imagery
- Greatly improved overall performance
- Importing KML files
- Altitude, acceleration and speed graphs in trip computer
- Enhanced Map Infobox functionality: ETE and ETA data, NMEA recording information
- Supporting WQVGA and WVGA screens
- Various Waypoint types
- Improved route navigation
- Improved Map data search function
- Re-designed soft keyboard
- Improved POI search function
- Improved screen stack management
- New modal and info screens
I am very hopeful that I will be able to get my hands on a “sneak-peek†video as well, but only time will tell.
I had the pleasure of participating in the new Public Beta, and I have to say that I am very optimistic about this new version of the program. It is exactly where the initial release *should* have been several months ago, so the the program is effectively back on-track to being the best product in it’s category (Off-road GPS Land Navigation).
The improved performance is much better as indicated above, but I have to say that I found the increase to be even more effective when you visit the Map Options and turn-off the display of those map details that you don’t really need (schools, restaurants, etc).
I will begin reviewing the program in earnest in a couple of months when my Product Review schedule is more open, and provide an in-depth review of this program and it’s associated components.